A formal meeting was held on 8 October, while 9 October was devoted to visits of organisations that work with minor and young adult migrants. During the meeting on 8 October were discussed administrative & financial issues of the project, preliminary findings from initial study (with preliminary policy recommendations), plan of implementation of activities in 2018. A lot of attention was focus on planning the ‘international delivery’ of general trainings (to be organised in Naples in November 2018 and January 2019).
On 9 October project group went to Taranto, where they visited two acceptance centres for unaccompanied minor migrants (CAS – Lama Taranto Via 3 Fontane 23; Struttura Assistenza e Tutela Minori ) and the restaurant in which are employed migrants – ex-residents of first acceptance centres of organisation Noi e voi ( Restaurant – Articolo 21).
Next project meeting with some learning activities will be held in Germany (Regensburg) from 22 to 24 May 2019.