CisoTRA project was presented in the UK


As the representatives of the European Youth Association from Ljubljana, Slovenia, we attended a study visit in the framework of the ERASMUS + Mobility of Youth Workers. The study visit titled Social Integration took place between 3.12. and 10.12. in Plymouth, England. The city has a rich migration history.

Study visit focused on the particular theme and mainly consisted of meetings organisation and presentations of their projects. The organisations came from countries like Turkey, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Slovenia.

The project which we presented aimed to share good practice of refugee integration in Slovenia. We also talked about organisations that had been involved in migration processes. Particular emphasis was out on sharing our experience of working quickly with juvenile migrants as well as asylum seekers and migrants under international protection.

We outlined good practices in integrating migrants into society conducted by  several organisations or projects such as Circle Institute, Project CISOTRA,,https://,   Platforma


Ana Vrhovec ( Ethnologist and Cultural Anthropologist, Youth Worker)



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