General training for professionals 2019 in Germany, Regensburg

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On 5.11. German partner held its forth general training in cooperation with the “Workgroup Foreign Workers”, the oldest NGO on migration issues in Regensburg (since 1971). The 27 social worker, volunteers and professionals from institutions like the Youth Migration Service, Caritas and others discusssed the role of social work in the transition of youth. When arriving in new countries youth need to re-orient their life plans and attitude in order to be acepted in the new society. Guest speaker Maren Stinessen Bøe, Social Worker at Kirkens Bymisjon, Rom for Fattige Tilreisende, B.A., M.A., one of the foremost experts on critical approaches of social work in the nordic states, discussed the role of cliche and stereotyping of “national” or “ethnic” groups as a main limiting factor for a fair inclusion of migrating indviduals. Alexander Krauß of CiSoTra partner ISOB explained the general transition framework developed in CiSoTra. The discussion focussed on how stereotypes can be overcome and what role the self-organisation of migrant youth along “ethnic” line
might play in the immersion to the target country.
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