International seminar with stakeholders – Model CiSoTRA (30 October 2020)

On 30 October 2020 will be organized CiSoTRA International seminar with stakeholders from five project countries: Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Greece.

Main aim of the seminar is to discuss the the CiSoTRA Model for better social inclusion of migrants in transition to adulthood: Model is innovative and inclusive approach to support the UAM in transition to adulthood and to strengthen the links between different interfaces/organizations that are involved in support for young migrants (learning communities among different actors). This could lead to more holistic approach (development) for the individuals, at the same time this could contribute to more integrative community, which leads to more cohesion society.

Invitation to the International seminar with stakeholders 

Newsletter no. 5 with key information about the model CiSoTRA  

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