Delavnice o inovativnih metodah dela z ranljivimi skupinami – 3. in 8. december 2020
V začetku decembra smo preko aplikacije Zoom izvedli dve delavnici o inovativnih metodah dela z ranljivimi skupinami ljudi. Udeleženci so spoznali dobre prakse držav partneric (Italija, Nemčija, Grčija, Turčija) glede
Workshop sui metodi innovativi per il lavoro con i gruppi vulnerabili
Workshop sui metodi innovativi per il lavoro con i gruppi vulnerabili – Scrittura creativa, photo voice, apprendimento sperimentale (zoom) In data 04.12.2020 si è tenuto il workshop scrittura creativa, photo voice e apprendimento
Reinforcing the EU Charter: rights of people in the EU in the next decade
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and the European Commission invite you to a web
CiSoTRA events between December 2020 and January 2021
CiSoTRA events 2020 (International seminars, Workshops on methodologies for work with UAM and young adults) are planned to be organised in each partner country: Italy, Slovenia, Germany, Greece, Turkey. Some
Seminario Nazionale del progetto CiSoTRA – Mercoledì, 25 Novembre 2020
In data 25.11.2020 si è tenuto il seminario nazionale del progetto CiSoTRA organizzato da CSIG Osservatorio di Taranto ed Università Pegaso Napoli con la contestuale presentazione del modello CiSoTRA. Hanno
The EC reveals its new EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027)
The European Commission presented the new EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027). To open the document, enter: file:///C:/Users/Anica/Downloads/ActionPlanonIntegrationandInclusion2021-2027.pdf The main actions include: Inclusive education and trainingfrom early childhood
Nacionalni posvet projekta CiSoTRA, torek, 24. 11. 2020
V torek, 24.11. bo potekal nacionalni posvet, katerega glavni namen je razpravljati o modelu CiSoTRA (model je inovativen in vključujoč pristop k podpori MBS ob prehodu v odraslo dobo in krepitvi
Project Cisotra at PIConf 2020, 23–24 October 2020
At PIConf 2020 on-line conference 23–24 October 2020 titled Online Education without Social Distance: Challenges for Internationalisation and Culture of Peace, organised by Pegaso international Malta, the project Cisotra was presented by Nada Trunk
International seminar with Stakeholders – discussion of the CiSoTRA Model, 30 October 2020
On Friday, 30 October was held international seminar with stakeholders from Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Germany. The seminar was attended by 14 stakeholders and 12 staff members. The main
International seminar with stakeholders – Model CiSoTRA (30 October 2020)
On 30 October 2020 will be organized CiSoTRA International seminar with stakeholders from five project countries: Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Greece. Main aim of the seminar is to discuss the
Erasmus days 2020
As part of Erasmus days 2020 (October 15-17), the ISSBS prepared a presentation of current projects with special focus on the project CiSoTRA. Nada Trunk Širca from ISSBS presented the
Erasmus dnevi 2020 in predstavitev projekta CiSoTRA
V okviru Erasmus days 2020 (15-17 oktober) je MFDPŠ pripravila predstavitev aktualnih projektov s posebnim poudarkom na projektu CiSoTRA. Nada Trunk Širca iz MFDPŠ je predstavila projekt (promocijska predstavitev projekta