New opportunities of development from the migrators contexts. Inclusion, safety and confessionality
The CELL – Euro-Mediterranean Lifelong Learning Centre of the Pegaso Online University, celebrates the 30th anniversary of Jean Monet Programme, with this seminar “NEW OPPORTUNITIES OF DEVELOPMENT FROM THE CONTEXTS
National General Trainings – Unipegaso
The cycle of meetings in presence of National General Training of European Project CiSoTRA (Civil Society for social inclusion of unaccompanied minors in transition to adulthood – learning communities for
NUCIF – European meeting in Bari October 2019
ISSBS (Nada Trunk and Valerij Dermol) participated at European meeting, organised as part of activities in NUCIF E+ project in Bari 28-29 October 2019. ISSBS presented the project and justified
CiSoTRA at the PIConf in Malta
On October 19, 2019, the recent developments of the Cisotra project have been presented by Augusto Sebastio, Centre for Legal Informatics Studies – Taranto (CSIG), Italy; Aleš Trunk, CSIG, ISSBS,
Sustainable inclusion of migrants into society and labour market
This report examines the different policies and initiatives for the inclusion of migrants in European labour markets and societies, with a focus on integrated approaches to migrants’ inclusion and the EU
(4th) partners meeting, Slovenia, 8-9 October 2019
The 4th partners meeting was held in Slovenia 8-9 October 2019. The partners discussed the mid-term evaluation of EACEA and the plan for improvement the activities in the last second
Eventi CiSoTRA a Taranto e Bari, 17 e 20 settembre 2019
Il seminario per MSNA e giovani adulti si è tenuto il 17 settembre presso la “Casa Madre Teresa” di Taranto. I giovani migranti hanno discusso quali sono le principali difficoltà
Platform: Issues Without Borders (IWB)
Issues Without Borders (IWB) is a platform which enables its members to publish their own research and blog-style articles online, as well as engage with each other through comments, discussions and even
New European Commission
The President-Elect of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has proposed the members of the team that will lead the Commission over the next five years. Migration and integration
The Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees – A 4-Year Report
Over the past four years, the Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees has brought together cities, national governments, civil society organisations and the European Commission to develop ideas and actions to
Projektne aktivnosti CiSoTRA na OŠ borcev za severno mejo, Maribor
V petek, 13. septembra sta na OŠ Borcev za severno mejo, Maribor, potekala dva dogodka projekta CiSoTRA na temo integracije migrantov v slovenske šole: delavnica za strokovnjake, in nacionalni seminar.
Aktivnosti projekta CiSoTRA v Dijaškem domu Postojna, 10. september 2019
V torek, 10. septembra so v Dijaškem domu Postojna potekale aktivnosti projekta CiSoTRA: Delavnica za mladoletne migrante brez spremstva Študijski obisk za strokovnjake Aktivnosti se je udeležilo 8 zunanjih strokovnjakov,