This report examines the different policies and initiatives for the inclusion of migrants in European labour markets and societies, with a focus on integrated approaches to migrants’ inclusion and the EU funding available to support it. The report is a result of an April 2019 conference on the sustainable inclusion of migrants into society and the labour market, organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the Social Protection Committee (SPC), the Employment Committee (EMCO) and Member States’ authorities.
The report presents key elements of an integrated approach to migrant inclusion, EU funding opportunities, new tools and initiatives and lessons learned and policy conclusions. Policy takeaways address the following topics:
- Developing integrated approaches for inclusion in the labour market and society
- Improving EU policies and targeting funding to achieve sustainable inclusion
- Developing evidence-based policies for migrant inclusion in society and the labour market
- Creating sustainable and high-quality employment opportunities
- Improving education outcomes and skills of migrants
- Ensuring social inclusion of the most vulnerable migrants